This template does not use single file component. Each component consists of 4 files. The reason to do like this is because the editor does not support *.vue files well enough.
Components structrue
// for example, we have a components called 'hello'.
├── hello.scss
├── hello.ts
├── hello.vue
└── index.ts
vue file
As you can see, component template is using .vue file rather than .html file. That is because we can use vue-loader to take advantage of vue single file.
<!-- vue file -->
<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>
<style src="./hello.scss" lang="scss" scoped></style>
ts file
we use vue-property-decorator to write typescript component. For the usage, you can read their document.
import Vue from 'components/base'
import { Component, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import template from './hello.vue'
name: 'tag-hello',
mixins: [template] // use mixins to mix vue file functions
export default class Hello extends Vue {
// define prop
@Prop({ default: 'World' })
name: string
// computed
get fullname () {
return `hello, ${}`
// method
say () {
Attention:vue-property-decorator Component decorator is from vue-class-component, please read the document.
Please go to chapter Styling.
This is component entry file, so that it will be easy for other components to import this component.
export * from './hello.ts'
The reason we don't name hello.ts as index.ts is considering editor is always showing file name, thus you will never know which component it belongs to.
Import other components or modules
Import root path is src by default.
// import 'src/components/tags/hello'
import Hello from 'components/tags/hello'
If you are using vscode,please consider the following configuration:
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": true,
"comments": false,
"strings": true
so when you import module, editor will hint the path.